Saturday 1 November 2014

Knit Club FO: The Ewan

I am pleased to say this is the last of the Lumio hats. Well, sort of pleased - sad, because they are so flipping quick to make (bought this yarn at the start of knit club this morning; finished by midday), but pleased, because I have now used all the colours I think are suitable for teenage boys. The grey is nice and I am considering it for Sib, but since he's off to South America for four months and it's the summer there, I am not sure a super chunky hat is really going to need suitcase space.

This was the first Lumio hat to have a pom pom. It's a nice shade of marine green, but the texture of it is rougher and squeakier than any of the other colours I have used so far, weirdly. I think it will suit Ewan, who is blonde and (I think) blue eyed. He's also one of the most negative teenagers I know, which means I struggle to maintain anything other than a constant feeling of exasperation towards him. That's probably why his was the last of these to be done.

So, what do I have left? A camo hat, a red and white stripey hat (I think the recipient is hoping for something a la Dr Seuss...), a strawberry hat, a "multi coloured" hat (guess who is getting all the leftover Lumio?), a blue hat and three stripey hats. I need to buy some yarn, what a pity!

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