Tuesday 4 November 2014

Tuesday Ten

Ten things I hope to achieve by the end of the year

1. All tutor group hats knitted in good time.

2. Wave jumper finished.

3. Travel by Eurostar...it seems I am going skiing for New Year but the flights are eye-watering and the overnight sleeper train sounds a lot of fun.

4. Y11 coursework marked. This is a big ask: I've got two classes, so over 50 essays. That'll be something to do on the train.

5. My first assignment for the assessment course I started last week. Three thousand words! I'm actually quite excited about writing an essay. It'll be like being a student again, although with 1% of the time and 400% of the money.

6. Take Nanny Hand shopping for a dress to wear to her 90th birthday party.

7. Plan a leaving do for Tutt, because she is deserting me and moving across the country for a new job.

8. 127 blog posts, of course. There may have to be a few double-post days between now and then. Can't believe I said in my final post of 2013 that I would space them out a bit this year. That was an epic fail.

9. Create a super hero outfit for Children In Need next Friday. The return of my old alter ego, Soft Furnishings Girl.

10. Do my tax return! I don't think I will want to do this on Boxing Day this year, if I'm off skiing the next day.

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