Tuesday 25 November 2014

Tuesday Ten

The Christmas List

1. A selfie stick. They were talking about these on Radio 4 on Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago, with a rather derisory tone, but I think they are clever things - a way of taking a good selfie at a famous landmark without having to turn your expensive phone over to a stranger.

2. GHD Hairdryer. Although my hairdryer isn't quite dead yet, it is getting on for a decade old and it doesn't like being on for very long at a time. The Bliss Spa had gorgeous GHD hairdryers when I went for my facial, and the cold shot is properly cool, unlike my current one which is about 5 degrees cooler than the hottest setting.

3. Pretty wine glasses. Mr Z has attempted to veto this one, saying I have enough wine glasses; I would like a matching set, though.

4. A wine rack to go on the wall in the kitchen. We've many bottles of wine and nowhere to store them. I know, I know - I should just drink more.

5. A Dyson. We inherited an ancient Vax when we moved in here in 2002 and the damn thing just won't die. It smells and it is bulky and I never feel like it is getting things properly clean. But, it continues to plod on, and my annoying eco conscience won't allow a perfectly good, working appliance to be replaced. Of course, if someone was to buy me one...

6. A yoga mat. Now that yoga and I have made friends, I would like to have a mat that is infused with my sweat alone.

7. A subscription to Interweave/Knitscene. Mr Z sorted me out with two years of Designer Knitting last Christmas, so it only makes sense to take out a two year subscription for these others now, thus staggering the renewal.

8. A new floor for the living room. I would love some old style parquet dug out of an old school hall and covered in a squishy green rug. I am so, so sick of the horrible carpet, which is even worse since the edges were cut off for decorating three years ago.

9. Rotary slicer for the Kenwood. Like a mandolin for the lazy.

10. History notecards. I don't know what these would look like; I only know that I can't find any. I have taken to buying notecards to give to students at school who do really well, and to other people when I think they might like to see something pretty to cheer them up. It's difficult to find notecards that are suitable for teens, though. It's all flowers and landscapes. I'd like some cards that depict interesting infographics about key moments in British history.
This might be a good money spinner, come to think of it.

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