Monday 17 November 2014

Weekend WIP: The Jade

Jade requested a strawberry hat. I had some fun thinking about how to do it; everybody else's strawberry hats seemed to have the green fronds on the top but, you know, if you were going to wear a strawberry as a hat you'd surely have it green fronds down, because that's the widest part of the fruit, right?

So, mine is green fronds down. The edging is from Vogue Stitchionary 6 - I love its deco feel (must remember to use it in something for me at some point) and it has created a good strawberry-leaf feel. I'm very nearly finished with it: less than 10 rows I think; and then the seeds. I want to duplicate stitch these on in yellow but I am afraid I might end up dotting fabric paint on the hat. We'll see how much time I can find to devote to it.

I might be suffering a little with hat fatigue. I keep browsing my stash and looking wistfully at sweater patterns. Only four more to go after this one.

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