Thursday 4 December 2014

Uplifting Song of the Week

So, I made it all the way through NaBloPoMo without missing a day and then went cold turkey as soon as December hit, and all week I have been going to bed with a creeping feeling that something has been left undone! And, that post count isn't getting any closer to 127 on its own (I have many Italy blog posts to go - just need to find time to sit and write them), so, here I am, back on the wagon.

I have instituted Song of the Day with my tutor group, who are taking it in turns to pick a daily ditty to brighten up registration in the afternoon. One of them picked Spandau Ballet - Gold which was a great shout: everybody got into the spirit, singing along to that. I am very much enjoying my time with them. This is why you have a tutor group all the way through.

I'm going with something a bit softer for my "...of the week" board next week. It's quite a simple song and unplifting in a quieter way, but I am a bit obsessed with it. It even makes me feel a bit Christmassy but maybe that's just because it's coming up to Christmas.

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