Tuesday 10 February 2015

Tuesday Ten

Sometimes, Carole's thoughtful list prompts just don't feel achievable in the time I have for blogging; but tonight I'm a bit ahead of my workload (sssh, whisper it) and I am in a sulk with my new knitting project because I just had to rip 6 rows (I NEVER rip but I just couldn't work out how to drop the stitches back and fix it) and the prompt is a nice easy one that is getting me thinking about happy things, so here we go.

I love...

1. Really cold gin with a twist.

2. The colour blue. Big expanses of blue, the brighter the better.

3. Bookings holidays. I have been doing a lot of that in the past fortnight. This summer is for California (again - this time the otters will be viewed by me) and Budapest and somewhere with Tutt.

4. Going on said holidays. Time passes so much more slowly when I'm away from home, I think.

5. Ice cream and cake. Especially brownies. No wait...I take that back: any kind of cake.

6. Having breakfast out with friends. I think breakfast is my favourite meal of the day.

7. Early nights. I can't seem to lie in these days, I get too restless. So, the lie in has to come at the start of the night instead.

8. Diet coke in a cup from McDonald's. I swear it tastes better.

9. Historical fiction. I have been saving the new C.J.Sansom for a holiday. I might read it next week.

10. Boden. I think I have an unhealthy relationship with Boden. I can't get out of the house anymore without wearing at least one item of their clothing.

So...ice cream and cake with a cold gin and diet coke in a cup, for breakfast, holiday planning with friends, on holiday by an expansive ocean vista, wearing Boden, after an early night reading historical fiction sounds like perfection.

(Don't tell anyone but this week I'd probably just settle for a cold gin for breakfast...roll on half term!)

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