Saturday 3 October 2015

Pre-weekend FO: Endpaper Mitts

After more than 6 years stuffed in a drawer, I couldn't wait to get it finished. I didn't want to take it to knitting group, so it came to Tutt's with me on Friday night so that I could finish off the thumb ribbing.As you can see, mitt 2 is still receiving its shampoo-bottle blocking.

Pattern: Endpaper Mitts
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Silk Alpaca, just shy of a ball of the blue and about half a ball of white
Needle: 2mm, 3mm, 3.25mm DPNs
Mods: As mentioned before....I did the ribbing around the top of both mitts and the bottom of the second one on the 3mm needle instead of the 2mm. I did twisted rib for most of it. I have just realised I forgot to do twisted rib on the top of the second mitt. Let's pretend I'm going to rip that out and redo it.
Having looked at the designer's FO, I realise I reversed the colours in the colourwork. In my defence, there's no key with the chart to specify which colour is which (I don't think...I am pretty tired, I might be wrong). I don't think it matters, really.

These were very quick, really, and a great way to practise colourwork. I think it would be fun to do them in a colour changing yarn.

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