Sunday 18 October 2015

Weekend FO

This pink hat is very pink.

Pattern: #10 Helmet Hat  by Deborah Newton
Yarn: Watercolours and Lace White Faced Woodland DK in Strawberry Sundae, one skein. I bought this at the Bristol Wool Festival last month so I am proud of myself for using it already.
Needle: 5mm
Mods: None. I think I should have maybe knitted it on a 4.5mm needle, though. I did swatch, but as I anticipated, it's a little on the big side, in terms of the crown.

Still, I don't think it makes me look like the Mushroom Princess and that was my biggest fear.

I did quite enjoy the knitting of it, although it was quite fiddly. Loads of stitches to pick up AND sewing up to do, but there's a lot going on with all the different stitches and I think they combine together to make something really striking. It's also ever so warm. Love.

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