Sunday 29 November 2015

Random Panorama

I have put a couple more inches on the Telluride but I am tired of photographing it in poor light so I am not going to do a weekend WIP post about it today.

Instead, I thought I would share this marvellous panorama that I took from the roof of one of the publishers I'm working with, back at the end of September. The offices are at Blackfriars so there is an awesome view of the river in both directions.

You can see Tower Bridge to the left and the London Eye to the right; although it is not distinct in this picture, the House of Parliament are also here but appear behind the London Eye, even though they're on the opposite side of the river. I always forget that the Thames undulates so much.

Bonus selfie, too. It was a good day, although it was another one of those meetings that really probably could have been an email.

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