Wednesday 18 November 2015

Today I wish I was....


A quick trawl through previous wishful thinking posts to check this picture hadn't already featured revealed that Lassen was my pick at almost this exact date last year. It's odd really, because it was during our stay at Lassen that I had to drive Mr Z to the hospital which was about 90 minutes away and they had to drain his knee with a big syringe; and we were camping and there was still snow on the ground (in AUGUST); and in the middle of the night it rained and everybody who hadn't put their fly sheet on (ie, everybody except us) got up and ran around in the dark and we thought our tent was going to leak because it was the first time we'd used the airbed and it was pressed against the sides because it was too big.

So, really, Lassen wasn't the most restful place in terms of what happened. However, there was no phone signal, anywhere; there was no shop and no hot water, which limited the type of camper we had to interact with; and the scenery was just breathtaking. And I would like to see more of it, which probably also explains why I'm pining for it.

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