Sunday 28 October 2018

Weeknote: 27/10

I've been getting on with some Christmas tree cones. Well, one, to be specific; I thought I'd start with the largest size. I was going to stick with them until the green was used up; the Cascade was the only thing in my stash I hadn't labelled the location of on Ravelry, and of course it was at the very bottom of the chest - the most inaccessible place in my entire stash storage - so I had to make it worth while doing all that digging. Mother Hand has just requested a new purple hat though, and I have the yarn sitting in my stash (in the same place as the Cascade, urgh) and an Ysolda Teague pattern I clearly purchased years ago and never used, so I might cast that on this week.

Going to:
The first three days of the week represented me at probably my most sulky. I nearly cried in frustration during a middle leaders meeting whilst doing a task that I felt was pointless, only realising afterwards that we were probably only doing that task because I'd complained about the way we did it last year. Well done.

On Monday I went and made my 7th blood donors donation. The nurse tested the blood from my finger prick as usual, but wasn't happy with how quickly it sank, so decided to do the second test. 'Oh, it's not coming out...' she said, squeezing my finger harder and harder until, with embarrassing force, it spurted out, all over her arm. This didn't hurt, by the way, so don't be put off if you're thinking about going.

We finished school on Wednesday so on Thursday I went off to north Hampshire to spend a couple of days at a spa with Mother Hand. I managed to score us an excellent break which included all meals and two spa treatments each, and we were meant to be going to the Bombay Sapphire gin distillery for a tour, using a voucher Mother Hand bought me for Christmas, but I forgot to book the tour and it was full (duhhhh) so we went to the Vyne instead. It's a National Trust place but also a genuine Tudor house, full of genuine Tudor period features. Henry VIII slept there. I was in my element.

Now I feel rested and relaxed, ready to make the most of my half term. Winner.

Entertained by:
Words can barely express how much I am still loving Killing Eve.

One more episode left. I'll be in north Wales next weekend and the temptation to watch the final episode ahead of time is excruciating. I don't know if I'll be able to wait.

I've also picked up some reading this week, in the form of Travellers in the Third Reich. I started reading it in the summer but the busy past couple of months have put pay to almost all reading. I can highly recommend it as a book: it's a collection of letters, diaries and other written materials from people who visited Germany in the interwar period. I studied travel writing as a form of history at university so I'm finding it particularly enjoyable.

However, I did realise at the end of this week that there is a new Shardlake out and now I am struggling not to buy it and begin reading immediately. They're my favourites. But, if I read it now, how long will I have to wait for the next one?

Increasingly human and increasingly positive. Half term stretches out ahead of me with almost no plans in it. Then it's only six full schools weeks until Christmas.In that time our new sofas will arrive. I've begun booking holiday things for next summer. I had some very good news from the exam board about an overpayment, which it turns out was not, so I've been shopping. I'm going to tidy and clean the house properly today for the first time since my birthday. It's all good.

Now, how can I prepare for next September/October when I will undoubtedly have an equally tough time of it? I never seem to be ready.

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