Wednesday 28 November 2018


I can't believe I missed a day in November - and I had a post ready to go, too. I could backdate it but I can't lie to myself like that. I have reasons though, and one of them is amusing. Firstly, I was at the ballet and I didn't get home until after 11 last night. Secondly, when I sat down at the computer to post my pre-written blog post (it's about beeswax wraps, you're going to love it), I found an email from Hermes informing me that my parcel (new Boden, mmmm) had been successfully delivered.

I checked with Mr Z. No parcel that he knew of.

I checked the online tracking and found this.

Hmm, the plot thickens.

We don't have anything that I think you could call an outbuilding. We've got a garage, but it has a padlock on it. We've got a porch, in that there is a little roof over the doorstep, but it's not a building. People quite often leave parcels there because we live at the end of a sleep cul-de-sac and we cultivate a thick front garden for the sake of our privacy, so it's hardly out in the open. But Mr Z had not picked anything up, and I hadn't seen anything, and the green box had been on the street most of the day because it's bin day.

Ah! Here! This should help. Apparently, the delivery driver has left a photograph of the location of the parcel, to prove its delivery.

This deserves something of a reveal. I can sense you're tense with anticipation at this amazing photograph that will clear everything up. I'm going to add some tense spacing so you will need to scroll down to see the picture.



I just didn't know what to say. I was so speechless, I totally forgot about my blog. I think you understand. 

When we went and looked the parcel was on top of the green box, soaked, though the insides were fine because it was double wrapped in plastic. The weird thing is, the green box had been on the road until about 6pm, according to Mr Z, when he came home and brought it in. So...yeah. 

Well done Hermes. Sterling work. 

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