Sunday 2 December 2018

Weekend WIP

I'm getting quite close to finishing my oldest WIP.

I was very lucky, yesterday, that Deb forgot to bring her knitting to group, because she did the sewing up for me, and while she was sewing up I finished the first sleeve, so she set that in for me too. I finished the second sleeve this evening, which just leaves that and the button band to do. The button band is supposed to be done in the fun fur, but I can just envisage it all getting caught in a baby's mouth, so after much knitting group discussion, I will probably knit the button band in red, add poppers and then stitch fun fur bobbles over the top of the poppers. I could crochet (steady) along the edge but, again, yarn in mouth...

We'll see. I think the button band is going to have to be quite wide because the fronts seem quite far apart, so I might end up adding some of the fun fur just to get it to grow.

The finish has been so quick that it's left me very embarrassed that it's been on the needles for over 12 years. These days I'd knit it in the round and it would be done in a couple of evenings.

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