Sunday 23 December 2018

Weekend WIP

I have made a little progress on Westbourne. I should really have cast on something in worsted because I want something that shows progress quickly, but I have a feeling that as soon as I get past the divide for armholes and start the striping, it will start to go more quickly. I think I've got about 50 more rounds of increases before I get there, but as long as I can get it onto the plane with me, I should hopefully get through it at a reasonable pace.

This is a slightly out of date picture now as I've ripped the whole thing back and started again since it was taken, but it's a good picture of the colours I'm going to be using. I didn't quite clock that the two versions had a different number of stripes, so to begin with, I thought I needed to throw out five of the colours, but luckily the day version has 15 stripes.

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