Sunday 2 June 2019

Weekend WIP

I am very close to finishing the bees shawl, thanks to half term and a whole Saturday spent knitting, between knit group and the Flock gathering hosted by Birdstreet UK. I had stiff hands by the end of the day, but it did mean that this afternoon I was ready to start the beaded picot edging.

Six picots down, 165 to go...

I found the instructions a little confusing and difficult to work - lots of YO, bind off stitch over YO, but then a weird instruction about picking up the last bound off stitch in each picot and passing the YO over it. Well, I couldn't make this work - I kept losing my last YO. I went away and watched picot edge videos on YouTube, read picot edge blogs and looked in my stitchionary, to no avail. I don't think there's anything wrong with the instructions: I just can't make them work for me. So, in the end, I am doing something a bit different -

K1. Cast on a stitch. Pass the knitted stitch over to bind off. CO a stitch, pass one over. Bead that second CO stitch. CO another stitch, pass beaded stitch over. K1, pass over, k1, pass over. 

It's going to make a pretty, wavy edge when it is finished. If I can do 20 picots a night, I should be able to FO it next weekend....we'll see. It's not the funnest bind off ever. 

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