Sunday 30 June 2019

Weekend WIP

I've been working on these for about 3 weeks. I had to rip back part of the cuff on the first one because I'd pulled my floats too tight, but were it not for that they'd be even closer to being finished. DK socks are speedy, and therefore perfect for somebody who is really busy. I started the second one at knitting group yesterday and I'm almost ready to start the colourwork on the foot already.

My first top down socks and I don't hate it, although Kat had to graft the toe for me at knitting group yesterday (thanks Kat) because I am inept. I do well out of knitting group, people are always doing helpful things for me. I lead a charmed life, truly.

I messed up the pattern a bit because the toe and cuff and heel should all match, but obviously don't on sock one and so won't on sock two either. But it matters little.

For the foot of sock one and all the colourwork since, I have followed the suggestion in the pattern instructions and knitted it inside out, giving plenty of play to the float by holding a finger between the yarn and the sock so it doesn't pull tight. It has worked a treat. A little fiddly, but that's the benefit of the DK, I suppose - there are not masses of stitches to worry about.

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