Tuesday 5 November 2019

Tuesday Ten

Because it's been a while...

Ten things I'm looking forward to

1. This Friday is a half day at work. And a late start. So not even really half a day. I've only been back two days but I am excited.

2. #noplansweekend this weekend - feet up, getting the blanket crocheted. I might even get my shoe collection onto my new shoe racks. You never know.

3. I'm going to Edinburgh to see Jen at the start of December; she moved in July. I anticipate cold, Scottish, drunken fun.

4. At some point there must be Bath Christmas markets, mustn't there? Curse my school for putting a parents' evening on opening night.

5. My friend Bernie's birthday party in December. I now call him by his real name, but he's been Bernie on this blog probably since its inception and he may prefer the anonymity. I'm excited about seeing him, drinking and judging people. Last time we went out, anybody who sat down opposite us seemed to smash a glass. It was an interesting (perhaps not a) coincidence.

6. End of term Christmas party at a Caribbean restaurant. Genius idea for a Christmas buffet.

7. SKIING! That will be early in the morning after the Caribbean feast. I really hope it snows before we go. The historical snowfall looks good.

8. Christmas and new year, obvs, with the birth of my first niece somewhere in there.

9. I'm going to Belfast for the first weekend of January to see Naomi, along with Rach from work. I will finally get to visit the Giant's Causeway.

10. Miles away yet, but Zoe and I are planning a big central America trip for the summer holidays and I am already looking forward to it. I'm not wishing my life away, but still! It's exciting.

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