Saturday 16 November 2019

Weeknote: 16/11

Yes, I have been knitting again. Finally, the crochet is finished - look out for the FO post tomorrow as it is currently blocking. That means I've been able to knit on with the Volt without feeling guilty about it, and I have flown through so far: I've finished off the ball I'd started on the front and I've got to the end of the cable detail at the bottom, so maybe a quarter of the way up the length of the front, though of course it gets bigger as it's got slouchy shoulders. My dream of possibly finishing it this month may be achievable after all, though.

Going to:
On Wednesday I went for dinner at Wahaca and then on to a lecture from Dominic Sandbrook about Britain 1979-82. He was very engaging and even made me feel a bit sorry for Margaret Thatcher. There were some good details about life in Britain in those days; he related the story of a woman who was fired for wearing a trouser suit to work (and the decision was upheld at tribunal - her boss said he felt it was the equivalent of wearing a see-through blouse) and explained that Fawlty Towers was like a metaphor for how Britain was viewed by the world at the time: outdated, a bit shoddy, cheaping out, badly run. An interesting angle.

I've had an extra day at home this week due to the exam board meeting being online, so my desk is tidy and all the washing is done. Hurrah.

I haven't made it to the gym or to yoga, thanks to a couple of bad nights of sleep (mainly my fault for not going to bed earlier) but I did buy a new journal with the express purpose of using it to log food and exercise. I must get these ski legs as good as they can be for December. Only four and a half weeks to go.

Entertained by:
I started the second season of GLOW, which I just love for the 80s vibe more than anything else. It's good on female empowerment, too. I'm having to hold back from watching too many in a row.
To distract myself, I watched all of Unbelievable. Some excellent acting and a really good story; I felt like 8 hours was a bit long but also understand that the story needed to be done justice.
The other good bit of TV at the moment is His Dark Materials. Ruth Wilson is excellent. The whole show is, to be fair.
I've been reading Tombland some more and finished Gotta Get Theroux This on audiobook; I've just started Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez, which she narrates herself. It's very good so far.
I also bought Vogue, for the first time in ages, because Lizzo is in it and I'm a big fan.

Mainly tired but also still like I'm Getting Things Done. The house is looking tidier than it has for about four months because the understairs stuff is finally built and we can start putting things away. The flooring man is coming back to remeasure this week and we might even get the hall done for Christmas. I've accepted a new piece of work for the exam board that is going to keep me busy over the next two weekends, so I am trying to get as much of the deck cleared as possible, and that includes having a neat house. A messy house is a stressful place: I have learned so well just to put up with it that I never really realised it's possibly causing a low-level hum of irritation that is just always there. More tidying must occur.

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