Sunday 18 October 2020

Weekend WIP

This sweater has been a long time in the WIP pile, for no good reason. Yes it is 4-ply and yes there were short rows and yes it has a few texture rounds that knit like 1x1 rib, but it's not THAT many texture rounds. I think I'm going to fall back on our excellent reason for why anything is anything these days, which is, we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Please let this be the middle and not still the beginning. 

Anyway, good news - I finished the body of the sweater this weekend. Just the sleeves to go, and some sort of pick-up-and-bind-off neckband. I'm very pleased with the fit and marvelling at how the v neck was created just through the shaping - so clever. 

Naturally my thoughts now turn to the next project(s) and I'm thinking of a bunny jumper for my niece (I dreamt about this last night, and in my dream I had accidentally knitted the whole jumper in stripes without any bunny ears and also it was an adult size and fit Mother Hand, so I'm not sure what that was all about), a couple of Christmas wreaths for gifting and a colourwork jumper using some of my oldest stash yarn. We will see what I pick up when the sleeves are finished cast on. 

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