Tuesday 1 June 2021

May round up

Books read: even though my book of choice for May was teen fiction, I didn't finish it. I was just too busy. I was rarely in bed early enough to allow for reading time and when I got into bed I was mostly too tired to be able to read anything. Bad times. Still - I'm about three-quarters done so it should be an easy win for June. 

Metres knitted: about 600m. I have been working on Madison (Rav link), a 4-ply sweater with some Cat and Sparrow yarn I bought back in February. It was surprisingly quick when I had the time to work on it - over the weekend I finished the front, all of the back, the neckband and picked up for the sleeves. Predictably this is not going to require 1450m of yarn, as the pattern suggests - I think I would have got it out of three skeins but the fourth looked a bit different so I have started that one for the sleeves, rather than work through the half skein I have left from the body and then end up with mismatched sleeves. 

I have wicked startitis and keep looking at my queue, making plans, for the time I don't have. 

Pounds lost: I think 4. Yey me! I am x stone 1 lb now. That's a stone off since last summer. 

Sleep: not great although the slower start every few mornings has helped. It also means I can car pool with a colleague who drops her daughter off at 7.30am - another excellent reason to not get up so early. Next term I am going to start setting my alarm for 7am instead of 6.20. I might also try to get a hot yoga class in before school from time to time, which would involve a 5.30am start. Just mixing it up a bit. Sadly my preferred bikram studio was a victim of the pandemic so I have to start somewhere new, but it always helped with the sleeping so probably worth the initial discomfort. 

Blogging: no. There has been enough time at the computer this past month. I'm finding it harder and harder to ignore the people bleating on about how exam boards are doing nothing this year, because I have been really flipping busy for this 'nothing'. 

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