Wednesday 3 November 2021

October round up

October has been a weird month. It started with a cancelled ski course, so a surprise free weekend; then I went to London and ran a Tough Mudder ('ran') - my first ever 10k - and then BANG! I got covid. It started with a slight loss of taste on the Sunday evening, but the LFT was negative. Then my sleep was disturbed by fever dreams and I (very unusually) woke up in the night with a raging thirst, went to the bathroom and was unable to smell Mr Z's horrible soap. I woke him up. 'I can't smell the soap,' I said. Mr Z grunted and immediately absconded to the sofa. In the morning I booked a PCR, naively telling the school absence answerphone that I'd probably be in by lunch. Famous last words.

Luckily for me, I couldn't have planned it better, because my last day of isolation was also the last day of term, so I ended up having three weeks of October off, although I did have to spend several of them feeling very unwell and several more not going out. It was a veritable treat when I was sent an antibody test kit and got to walk to the post box to send back the sample. 

That said, all that time certainly helped with the goals...

Books read: Two. I read Ian Rankin's Resurrection Men and then polished off Love After Love by Ingrid Persaud, which a lovely friend sent me when she heard I had covid. Not too bad, considering I also managed to binge watch two seasons of ER. 

Metres knitted: I got through most of the rest of the linen cone on my Tegna; the back is done, just the front, the collar and the sleeves to go. So, maybe another 500m, plus a couple of hexagons I did on my trip to Edinburgh at the weekend. 

Sleep: So much sleep. Covid knocked me for six. The week after I was still getting about nine hours a night without a wake and squeezing in a nap when possible as well. Going back to school has totally ruined all of that, of course, but it was nice while it lasted. 

And probably assisted with the...

Pounds lost: 10. TEN! Thank you, covid. For the first four days I couldn't access the kitchen due to isolating in the spare room, and then I didn't really want to eat without a sense of taste because it seemed like a waste of food. So I am now x-1 stone, 8lbs. Ten is a lot to lose that quickly and I am afraid it will have corrected by December but I have gone back to calorie tracking for this month to try to keep the momentum. 

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