Friday 26 December 2014

Christmas FO

I managed this in just three days! I am quite proud of myself. I thought when I reached the border, I would have to stop because it was 445 stitches, and quite daunting. But I powered through and even managed to keep my lace pattern straight whilst chatting to my cousins all afternoon.

This is the Every Which Way shawl kit from Artyarns, in Firestorm. I knit it exactly as it said on the pattern. I didn't run out of yarn, even though I didn't measure gauge, which was a relief. It needs a good blocking, but I want to get one of those colour catcher sheets first because, having read other people's project notes, the red bleeds quite significantly. It did dye my hand red whilst I was knitting with it, so this does not bode well for blocking.

Having looked at that picture, too, I see there is a mistake in the chart. I only have one grey stripe and then the border, whereas there should be a second grey stripe in there. The written instructions have it right but it's wrong on the chat. I still love it, though.

Also, having sneaked this in under the 2014 wire, I've now made it past 6km of yarn knitted up this year. Hurrah! I wish it was all from stash, but then, I would have to stop buying yarn to achieve that dream.

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