Friday 26 December 2014

Fave Friday

We had a big family party at the weekend for my gran's 90th birthday, which meant all the antipodean wing of the family flew in for the weekend. Here we all are - cousins and spouses. The only people missing are Father Hand and Sib.

I must admit to struggling a bit with my local cousins, who live within a few hours of home. They are nice enough people, but they are sports mad....well, football mad, specifically. I always say I don't like sport but what I really mean is, I don't like football. This makes it awkward to find things to talk about.

Pete and Michelle, however, who both live on the other side of the world, are significantly less into sport than the others. They drove up for a visit today which made for a really lovely afternoon, catching up on Pete's adventures in ballroom dancing and Michelle's recent visit to a lion sanctuary in Zambia. I love having cousin catch up - today's Fave Friday is in honour of that.

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