Sunday 27 September 2015

The Saga of the Yorkshire Tweed

It is finally all wound, into greater or lesser sized bundles. It has taken Mr Z all week to finish it, making this a two-week endeavour in total. He's feeling quite proud of itself; I am a bit daunted by how many small pieces there are. I figure, I will start knitting with the biggest cakes and balls and then if I get a sweater out of it I won't need to worry about combining and spit splicing the leftovers. They will just go in the bin.

With an estimated 1500m, I think I might tackle a cabled v-neck. This is a really lovely, multi-tonal grey but something about it really reminds me of my school uniform jumper. A new take on that old favourite might suit this quite well.

I'll add it to the neverending list.

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