Sunday 20 September 2015

Weekend WIP

I am a bit sulky, because I really wanted to be taking a picture of my newly-cast-on Telluride Aran in the Triskelion yarn I bought at Wonderwool. However, after carefully packing all the necessaries into a little bag yesterday, ready for knit group, I then rooted out a bigger bag so I could take all my needles with me in case I got there to discover I needed a smaller one for the ribbing...and then forgot to put first bag into second bag. Hence, I was at knitting group with no sweater to cast on. Huff.

Instead, I reluctantly pulled out my Endpaper Mitt. I cast these on in 2009, on my way to America, and knitted about half before putting it down and not picking it up again. In January, I pulled it out again as part of my plan to finish or frog all my delinquent FOs. I managed to work out where I had stopped, got started again and then lost interest, again. It's lucky I had no choice yesterday, really.

It took me so long to work out where I had stopped in January and I was so needled by the lack of row numbers on the chart (why?) that I picked it up again last night during my brief hour off writing, and the result was this:

It does fit, honest.

I was knitting it yesterday and thinking, moodily, "I am never going to knit the second one". I remember picking this pattern to practice colourwork after doing the Liz Lovick workshop at UK Rav Day. The yarn was a present from my passengers for driving. I'm working it on DPNs, which I used to love. Six-years-later-Sally would (a) magic loop and (b) not knit a handwarmer pattern written for wool in an alpaca/silk blend, or if she did, knit it at a looser gauge than specified. Luckily it does have enough stretch to be wearable. I might knit the second one. It is a lovely pattern, and only took a few hours if you add up the time actually spent knitting.

That will make a grand total of one delinquent WIP frogged or finished this year. Out of 10. I'll just add the rest to my mile-long to-do list.

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