Friday 2 November 2018

Fave Friday

This year, the stars aligned and I was able to put together a massive batch of mango chutney. The mangoes turned up cheap at the green grocer as half term loomed, so I was able to buy them and then get the chutney going last weekend.

Because there were a lot of available mangoes, I made a double batch, so hopefully this should last us a good long while. 

Even though it makes the whole house smell of vinegar and spices for a couple of days, and my hand aches from pounding garlic in the pestle and mortar and grating endless ginger, it is a very satisfying job and quintessentially autumnal. I think I missed it last year because I was too busy to get the mangoes in at the right time. Hence, putting up with shop-bought mango chutney all year, which is nice but not in the same league. 

This reminds me that it must be almost time to start off a new bottle of lemon gin, which means it's almost time to open the very first bottle of lemon gin. We may have sampled it a bit at my birthday party. It was exceptional; when combined with orange tonic, it tasted of Lilt. Winner. 

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