Saturday 3 November 2018

Weeknote: 3/11

Trees. So many trees. I have made my way through almost two skeins of green Cascade so far, with another half-skein or so to go. I'm hoping to finish that up during my time up here in Llandudno, or at least on the 5 hour train journey home, so I can get started on Mother Hand's purple hat and possible a cardigan I;ve found for the leftovers from my lopi project. It's always tempting to knit up the bulky wool - quick to complete and takes up so much space in the stash.

Going to:
This week I've made a virtue of staying at home. I did pop into work on a couple of days to do some tasks that had been hanging over me, all of which were very enjoyable, even though it was so cold I could see my breath. On Wednesday, I am proud to say, I did not leave the house AT ALL. It has been a bit odd. I keep thinking I must go upstairs and do some work, but actually, there hasn't been any pressing work to do, so I have made myself relax.

On Friday I had breakfast with my friend Phillipa and lunch with my friend Kath, in Wells. We went for a wander around Wells after lunch, which is exceptionally pretty. We have vowed to go back and have a proper tour.

Today, after knitting group, I've headed north again to Llandudno. I'm doing some work here on Monday but I thought I'd come up a day early to have a nose around - a sensible decision, as it turns out, because there are no trains to Llandudno on a Sunday in the winter. Less sensible, because basically North Wales is now shut for the winter. However, I did find a bus I can get (thanks to a suggestion from somebody at knitting group) to the nearby castle, so I think I shall probably be doing that tomorrow.

Entertained by:
I used this week to catch up on the bits of TV I've recorded and not watched. One of these was the first seven episodes of Trust, the serialisation of the kidnap of John Paul Getty. It's a pretty tragic story. I don't know if I could say I'm enjoying it, partly because I went away and read about the individuals involved and they're mostly quite tragic. Because very rich in the 60s was not a good thing, I gather. And I'm overwhelmingly appalled at the idea that JPG was only 16 when this happened. 16! And already a Playman times have changed.

I've put off watching the second series of Snowfall because I found the first series so depressing. I've decided I don't enjoy concepts where the main characters profiteer off drug dealing/other people's misery. I think this might be a change in me because I think that's largely the plot of the Sopranos and the Wire, both of which I enjoyed (I never finished the Wire, though, because I didn't really want it to be over. Mr Z is exasperated).

I've learned a bit more History this week, thanks to the extra exam board job I've been doing, checking coursework questions. I have to go away sometimes and read up to make sure it's a historically rigorous enquiry, which is joyful. I can be really geeky about it and it actually helps. Hurrah!

Obsessed by:
Lorna Syson Birdsong fabrics. They are so lovely. I found them in John Lewis when I was browsing for curtains. I stopped browsing immediately and ordered samples, then went back and ordered curtains yesterday, in the robin fabric. I keep thinking bullfinches would have gone better with our wallpaper but I loved the robins so much. With any luck, they should arrive at the same time as the new sofas and then the living room will be essentially finished.

Rested. The pain in my neck has nearly gone. I've been to yoga. I've had a lot of sleep.

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