Friday 4 February 2011


This week, Scribbles whispered, in a soothing tone, "Therapeutic."

There has been a dearth of this type of action at Bunny Towers this week, thanks to the additional pressue of the GCSE marking (see below). But next week I will be all about the therapeutic. Here are some things I like to do.

1. Baking
Easily the most relaxing thing I can find to do. We catered our own wedding buffet, and I made all the cakes and desserts. People were amazed, but it was literally the best way to keep myself calm in the days leading up to The Big Day.

2. Baths
I get my best ideas floating in the tub. In fact, I shouldn't limit this to just baths, because I find water in general to be extremely relaxing. I remember swimming across the lake and back in Wisconsin, when I did Camp America, and it was twilight; a huge turtle suddenly surfaced in the water by me and swam with me some of the way. One of my favourite water memories, and one which never fails to calm me.

3. Knitting
The regularity of it; the repetitiveness: it's very predictable, and if you follow the rules you know what you'll end up with. It's nice to have something utterly within my control. I also find that my knitted items hold good memories from when I was knitting them, but mysteriously not the bad ones.

4. Reading old books from my childhood
Things that are easy and take minimal brain power and effort, but that don't leave me feeling a bit soiled and lazy, like cheap trashy novels do; I'm currently re-reading What Katie Did Next on my Kindle (it was free!) I love the 19th century American take on Europe.

5. Mr Z
The husband is a very calming chap. He has taught me not to sweat the small stuff, although I still do sometimes. He's also very good at providing blankets, slippers, hot water bottles, fans, cold drinks, hot drinks, hugs, supportive words, soothing words, sleep-inducing petting, amusing distractions and healthy hot meals, and he runs a mean bath. I think I would be a basket case without him.

6. Paul, at work
I don't talk about specific work people much, but Paul has been very therapeutic for me this week. He has tremendous and unshakable faith, as well as being extremely passionate about, and good at, his work, and this is a huge inspiration for me on both levels. I find talking to him always makes me feel better; I am very lucky to have such good colleagues. I don't share my blog with work friends so he's unlikely to ever read this, but hopefully he realises how much I value him. We might get to work together on a project soon...

...I went for "a chat" with the deputy head about this project yesterday, which turned out to be an actual interview, which was a surprise. I wish I had known in advance. Paul had his today so I prepped him thoroughly beforehand. We're hoping they will tell us we can share it. We find out on Monday.

In between now and then, there is a LOT of marking. I can look forward to something therapeutic at the end of it. Maybe not something from my list, though. Maybe gin and a nap, my favourite pick-me-up.

Next week's weekword is over at Junebug's, and it's a doozy! Leave a comment over there on Monday to take part.


V said...

I love that both our #1's are baking, although I imagine you are a proper baker whereas I have found a few great mixes in boxes that we really enjoy. ;-)
Great list! Thanks for playing with me.

junebug said...

I love baths. My last house the tub was horrible but since getting this new house I think I spend half my time in the tub. That may be an exaggeration but as often as possible.
Sometimes I pick up one of my Nancy Drews or Little House on the Prairie. So fun. :-)

Elena said...

Oooh I just discovered baths and also have my Nancy Drew books. Great post!

b said...

Yes, water! Any water...bath, shower, creek, river, ocean... I love it all. A little confession - when I'm working in the kitchen I'll sometimes just turn on the water in the sink and let it run to hear the sound of water. It's horribly wasteful, I know, and I try to have self-control... Absolutely agree with you about water being therapeutic. Great post and I enjoy your writing style. Have a lovely weekend in the UK! B.

John said...

Thoroughly enjoyable and therapaeutic read and the story about the turtle, what an experience to have.

justahumblebee said...

great list of ideas here! Your husband sounds like a great person. That kind of support really makes all the difference.

Christine E-E said...

Mr Z - does he read your blog? I hope so --- what a nice comment on his attention to your stress during marking "season"... haven't been to your blog for a week - so was pleased to read some of your previous posts (& make comments)... water - oh my gosh! since the disastrous date night (blog post 1.22.11) baths have become my source of relaxation... books + tea + candles! sending you energy to get through the last of your grading period... I imagine that "gin" is not a game of gin rummy? tee! hee!

bluerose said...

you catered your own wedding - wow that's impressive! I'm with you on the swimming; water is so relaxing. hope you get to enjoy your well earned gin and a nap ;]

henniemavis said...

I'm with you on #s 1 & 2 :-) and I could sure use a #6 Paul of my own at work, yikes! Especially this month (very busy prepping for a trade show), send him on over, HA!

=Z= said...

I do read the blog - not as often as I should though.

As for the attention .. I could do a lot more; she deserves it.

