It really is a pain when months finish on a Friday! I am never able to get everything posted in time.
All through November I have been focusing on Christmas. Planning Christmas gifts, Christmas meals, Christmas parties, secret Santas, what to knit, what to bake, what to wear...I have rather wished autumn away this year, but I certainly enjoyed looking at it. It's just, I am feeling excessively festive.
I have, however, been buoyed by the beautiful autumn foliage as detailed in this post and the many birds I have seen both at work and at home as the weather has turned. Blue tits, great tits, long-tailed tits, robins, blackbirds, chaffinches and something reddish coloured I have yet to identify have all been around and reminding me to dig out the fat balls. (The Google search is going to have fun with this post.
No birds - they're always too quick for me to catch and I think they like it that way. Pretty leaves instead. One of the Maths teachers at work collected some, laminated them and hung them in her kitchen window. Genius.
Something I Made
I've started a lot this month, in terms of knitting projects, but the only thing I have finished is Nanny Hand's hat and I have already shared that. So take a peek at my Christmas cake!
My usual
Creole Christmas cake (booze varieties adjusted for personal choice/what was available), this time baked in the star shaped tin. I wasn't sure if it would work and took advice from The Forum (tm) who recommended wrapping the tin in brown paper to stop the edges catching and a very good buttering/flouring, which I usually do anyway, since the tin can't easily be lined. When it was time for turning out, Mr Z came and stood nearby for moral support and I flipped the tin over with a gasp, envisaging the ruination of pounds worth of fruit, booze and bu....oh! It had slid out like a greased weasel. Like, so quickly I nearly dropped it. That would have been ironic. I need to add a glazed nut topping because the butter/flour tin coating has left a bit of a crust which needs disguising, but all in all - success.
Fireworks are like really good moonrises - never meant to be captured on film. Too beautiful to be done justice by even the speediest shutter! Here's my attempt on Draw Something.
This was a month in which a huge number of History projects came my way, being The Big Handing In Of The Big Homework Tasks Invented By The New Head. However, I have not taken pictures of any of them, because I am forgetful. I did get a pyramid made out of sugar cubes, though. And another made out of lego. And another which feels as though it has been crafted of lead.
Instead, here is a sneak peek at a concept map from my book. I made several of these, painstakingly putting them together in Smartnotes. This is the only one they kept, in spite of them being an excellent value-for-space way of presenting information. My HoD is always teasing me for my love of spider diagrams - I guess it really isn't shared by everybody.
The shed was demolished at the very start of this month. In the shed was an enormous amount of paper that at some point in the mists of time we had stashed there - it must have been pre-paper-recycling collection, and the mice were enjoying it. Between that and the shed, Mr Z has had a lot of bruning to do. I used the multishot function on my phone and made this little animated gif of the burny bin...
I made it using
Picasion. It was very easy. Impressed.
Go and have a look at
everyone else's pictures if you want to know what November looked like for other people. Thanks for the topics Emma! And here are