Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas Eve Tradition

It's almost here!

I love turkey. I particularly love it cold, after Christmas. We always goes to the Parents Z for Christmas day so I roast a massive turkey crown on Christmas Eve and see how long I can make it last. It's in the oven as I type. Mmmmmm!

I also make a stuffing for it. I only ever make it at Christmas. I mentioned it in my Tuesday Ten last week and I saw that some commenters thought I meant a dressing - it would be lovely as a dressing but I wouldn't have a clue how to get started!

Here is my stuffing recipe -

Small white sliced loaf (400g) decrusted and made into breadcrumbs
2 medium onions, finely chopped
2 small red peppers (or one and a half large ones), finely chopped
2 tbsp oil
1oz butter
1 tbsp rosemary, finely chopped
1 packet pine nuts
1 egg, beaten

Heat the butter and oil in a large pan and cook the onions and peppers on a lowish heat until softened and translucent. They should be chopped finely enough that they almost liquefy in the pan. Stir in the rosemary and cook for another 3 or 4 minutes, then stir in the pine nuts and turn the heat up a bit to get it sizzling. Watch it carefully because it shouldn't colour.

Tip the whole lot into a large bowl with the breadcrumbs and stir together. Leave to get cold (or the egg will cook, and anyway you shouldn't use hot stuffing in a cold bird), then stir in the beaten egg (you can leave this out if you prefer a more crumbly stuffing texture). Use to stuff the bird, or roll into balls and place around the turkey crown.

Enjoy. It is delicious!

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