Thursday 19 April 2012

Weekword: Tardy

Oh noes! I totally dropped the ball on Weekword. I went back to Emma's blog to see who was doing this week's word and it's me! Egg, all over my face. Oh, teh shame.

Therefore, I am picking the word TARDY, which seems apt. Though I shan't be surprised if none of you post anything at all, thanks to my own lateness. My blogging really seems to ebb at this time of year; I *am* very busy with work things but I also don't seem to have the creative urge to write, for some reason. Tuesday passes me by with no ten. I bake on Sundays (butterscotch banana cupcakes, this week) but can find no motivation to share. I set mental monthly goals but don't post them here. Where has my blogging mojo gone? Perhaps it takes it vacation in the spring.

Thank you, Emma, for picking me, and I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner. I might cheat and pick another one next week because I had an idea for next time but it will take me a bit longer than I have this evening to put the post together.

If you would like to write about being tardy, or any other aspect of the word, please comment on my post and tomorrow (for shame) I will make a new post with the links in it.


HedgeWytch said...

Very apt choice of word! I'll take part, but might be a bit... tardy with my entry ;)


JenRussellSmith said...

I'm in - just about to post now!