Friday 27 April 2012

Weekword: Travel

Welcome to this week's Weekword, and please go and see these lovely blogs to read their take on my pick of word, Travel -

Sally at Sow and Sew
Peggy (welcome back!)
Jen at Timballoo
Emma at the Gift Shed

I'd like to tag Peggy for next week's word because she has been away so long! Hope that's OK, Peggy.

Last year I posted a list of the places I visited throughout the year. There were a lot of places. I like to travel and have no reason not to; Mr Z is very tolerant of my itchy feet, although it did work out that I spent a little over two months of 2011 out of the country which is a lot, by anyone's standards.

This year will be a little different; I intend to spend most of the summer in this country, what with the Olympics and everything (as most people are getting fatigued, I am just getting more excited and inspired by the whole shebang), but I hope to get a fair bit of travel in within the country. And, as it turns out, I have already managed to get about a fair bit.

View Travel, 2012 in a larger map

I do so enjoy it! I like the act of travel and the associated places - airports, train stations, ferries; I even like the long coach journeys of the school trips - nearly 24 hours for skiing, though it was less this year thanks to some amazing coach drivers. I think it's because when I'm travelling, I don't have to worry about being idle, because I am already busy - travelling.

Plus I like to see lots of new things. Some things more than others.

Speaking of travel, I am off to Builth Wells tomorrow for Wonderwool, so I had better close this entry here. I will keep adding to my map as the year passes, so keep checking in if you so desire!


Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to travel 2 months out of the year! And I'd be very happy to choose this week's word. I am moving a bit slowly as far as posting my travel piece. I'll have it up soon!

HedgeWytch said...

I do like to travel but never really get a chance to do much of it. I do want to see more of the UK though, we have so many beautiful places here that I've got to stop dreaming of going abroad!

Hope you had a lovely time at Wonderwool :)