I also bought two mini hot water bottles to knit covers for after knitting group yesterday, plus trawled through my stash on Ravelry to plan new projects and consider what I might be able to get rid of. I ordered a new chair bed for the spare room, now I've cleared it all out, so I'm hoping to get some shelves up soon and get the hatboxes of yarn onto said shelves, to open up the space a bit; but there is limited wall space and quite a lot of yarn. Hence I'm looking at chunky projects. Clearly my crafty nerve wants quick and space saving. Said nerve is ignoring that fact that knitting a new garment just transfers the storage problem from the spare room to the wardrobe.
I browsed my stash at such length yesterday that I had to go back through my blog to look at Wonderwool posts and then realised there was never a Wonderwool 2024 post. A terrible oversight on my part, that I will rectify soon - maybe even immediately after posting this, since I have a little stack of essays that still need marking for first thing tomorrow morning and I like to live on the edge.
On that, I think I am going to have to reinstate the 20 minutes of marking per day in my life for a bit. It's built up quite a lot and I think my upper school classes could do with more feedback in their lives. Honestly, it would help if I could make myself more productive at work. Productivity has remained embarrassingly low this past week.
I clearly need some sort of list.
I haven't read very much this week, I'm in denial about the next uni assignment so have generally spent far too long on socials. I watched the whole series of 'Black Doves' which I liked but it was a bit too holey to be entirely comfortable: made me think of that 'two screen TV' somebody was talking about recently, where Netflix like to commission series that people can watch whilst also looking at their phones. Mr Z would be quick to point out that I do look at my phone a lot, but when I have a knitting project on the go, I like something more engaging. It was a bit too obvious in places and other scenes were just not believable. Plus Keira Knightley (love) toed this interesting line which I think was meant to be faintly humourous but didn't quite hit the mark. Still. It was good, glad there will be series 2. I also started watching 'Joanie' and 'Lockerbie'. It's a dark month and cosy knitting under a blanket with some telly sounds extremely inviting.
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