Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Tuesday Ten

Ten things making me feel successful at adulting

1. Paid my taxes. Is there anything more adult than that?

2. Paid them out of my savings. Extra smug points.

3. I got invited to speak at a conference in Australia! A virtual presentation, of course, but still. 

4. I've managed to stick to the same skincare routine for over a week.

5. I bought a new piece of furniture in a sale - a chairbed for the spare room.

6. I marked two sets of Y13 essays at the weekend and, with any luck, my marking pile might be completely gone by next week. 

7. My fitbit is pleased with me. Always a good sign.

8. Today at work, somebody annoyed me (it wasn't her fault, I had a lot going on) and I had an honest conversation with her about it, rather than just silently seething. 

9. I bought some worthy hot chocolate with lion's mane and other mushrooms in it from Holland and Barrett, and I'm actually drinking it. The texture is amazing. We won't discuss the taste. 

10. This is my first Tuesday Ten post in more than FIVE YEARS! We're bringing it back, baby. Well. I mean it's coming back this week but I'm not making any guarantees. 

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