Thursday 25 July 2013

One of those apologetic posts

I am slightly embarrassed that it has been nearly a whole month since I have blogged moo about what I've been doing, but I have been SUPERbusy with work stuff and I have updated my work blog over a dozen times. I know that isn't the same and it's not really about me and therefore far less interesting than this blog, but as excuses go, it will have to do.

Here's my round up of the past busy-ness:

I have two finished objects to blog about, but neither of them have been photographed properly. One of them is the amazing blue shawl of wonder - it may have taken three years but it is finally done. Here is a picture of it blocking, on our bed -

I actually had to pin it down the side of the mattress and it still wasn't enough, so it wasn't the best blocked garment in the world, but oh well. It is truly lovely and very snug.I am looking at other shawl kits on the Knitpicks website now, ahead of my impending visit.

The other thing was a linen top of interesting construction in this -

Regular readers might recognise this as the Texere C4 linen I bought at Wonderwool this year and the REALLY eagle eyed might even note that this will be my first FO from something I have knitted at Wonderwool, in spite of this being my third trip. The shame. Anyway. The top took just under one cone (which cost around £6, making this a real bargain) and was like knitting a puzzle; I didn't think it was going to work until it was actually finished. Hurrah.

More to follow on both of those when I have time to get some pictures taken.

I have been doing many work things, and that's about all, really. I have spent two weekends at conferences, both of which were very interesting but the latter of which was REALLY exciting in that more opportunities became available as a result. Good stuff. I have been marking, of course; it was a bit harder this year because I had a colleague who struggled, so I had to do a bit more than usual. I have also been doing some scrutineering - this is undoubtedly the best-named job in the world - which has involved completing and checking exam papers and markschemes for the future. And I've been doing some writing, for an app to go with my book. This needs to be done by the end of August which makes me a little nervous as I'm away for a lot of August, but I'm sure I'll manage it.

And, oh yes, my actual job, I've been doing that too. Exciting things happening but I have to say PRAISE THE LORD this year is over and we have a new head from September and hopefully it will be a much happier place to work then. It has been a loooooong term, not helped by the marking starting right at the very beginning of it and dragging on for what felt like the whole time (although it didn't really) and the heat hasn't helped. I am a lover of many kinds of weather but I have found the heat quite draining, tbh. Sports day was especially hard, even with my gazebo and half a bottle of sunscreen.

End of term was yesterday; I won the drinking game and was hailed as the Griffmeister for the rest of the evening (even though I had to drink half a WKD it was totally worth it) and I was the only girl on the bottom of the human pyramid we made -

Quite proud of myself. Superstrong!

I have also seen my lovely friend Beccy who came over to visit from Australia and was in bristol for one night. We went to an excellent bar in Stokes Croft. I can't remember what it was called but from outside it looked like a dump. Total hidden gem.

And that's probably about it for the past few weeks. Too much work, really. I have thrown myself into it a bit too hard, maybe. But now I have over five weeks off and I'm fleeing the country tomorrow for a while, so expect some more blog posts, maybe in video format, of our adventures.

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