Monday 21 April 2014

The Update

I concluded at the end of last year that my absenteeism in the spring was largely to blame for the struggle I had to get to my intended post count by the end of the year. Yet, even armed with this knowledge, I have been absent for the past over-a-month. I had been concerned that something horrible was going to happen workwise in March, as it has for the previous three years; but actually, nothing did. I just became astonishingly busy.

I've had two job interviews; both were unsuccessful but I caught myself at the second one wondering why I was applying for jobs which would pay me the same money for taking on a load more responsibility. I am still pondering this. It's difficult: I feel like I need a careers adviser. If I get more book-writing to do it will reach its zenith around this time next year and I don't want to be doing that at the same time as managing my first exam series as a head of department. I have just completed lucky ski trip number 7 and can't wait to do it all again next year. I have yet to find a school with students as nice as mine (I know, I know, it's relative). But, I fear if I don't move on soon I will be there forever. I mean, it's been over a decade.

I've done a couple of wildly successful exam-busting days, in the north and the Smoke, which I really enjoyed. I'd like to do more like that, really.

I've been observed as part of the History observation week; I didn't get the email the day before and so it was entirely unexpected, and therefore terrifying. Sweat. So much sweat. Luckily it was just about my favourite class and at the end I was awarded my first undisputed Outstanding (in the past I've had a grade 1 from one observer that the other disagreed with) so that was nice. My observer told me the lesson made her feel inadequate as a human being...I wonder if I can put that on my CV?

I went skiing, of course. Pictures and a write up of that to follow. I had another weekend away at a teaching conference, too. Learned some fascinating science stuff about the teenaged brain.

I've also been popping down to Portsmouth a bit more as Mother Hand is down in the dumps again and requiring a lot of encouragement to get herself back on track. This has been ongoing since last half term and has been taking up a lot of my time.

And knitting? Well, yes, there has been some, but it all counts for nothing because most of the fruits of my labours got left somewhere between Austria and home. I am almost certain I put it on the coach and I didn't touch it between the hotel and home but the coach company can't find it. The hotel isn't replying to emails. This leaves our partner school, who might have collected it from the overhead locker. If not, my juicy watermelon socks and my bright silk hat are both consigned to be UFOs until the end of time. Quite sad really, but there you go: no sense dwelling on it. There is always more to knit, especially with Wonderwool coming up next weekend.

I'd turned the heels and everything - AND there was a line missing from the pattern so I had to email the designer. 

Spring has definitely sprung and it's 100 days exactly until my long Italian summer holiday with Tutt. That doesn't seem like very long to cram in all the things I need to do first.

It's nice to spend some time admiring the flowers, though.

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