Sunday 15 August 2010

Goals for August

Late, I know, but I had a mental list at the beginning of the month that I have been working through. August is always clear and declutter month for me as I prepare for the new school year, so most of my goals reflect that.

  • Clear out under the stairs
  • Declutter my wardrobe/drawers and take the clothes that need it to be altered/mended to a tailor. For the former I will be following the good advice from Hanger Envy. For the latter I will be investigating the local tailor shop I spotted a couple of months back.
  • Go through my make up drawers and throw some old stuff out.
  • Knit something. Anything!
  • Inventory/photograph my buttons and buckles stash on Ravelry.
  • Clean the cutlery drawer, which is looking a bit grubby, and clean out the old cutlery drawers so I can throw one away. Mother Z has been irritated by the grubby orange drawers under the kitchen cupboards for some time now, so getting rid of one might please her a little.
  • Have winter coats cleaned (or wash them myself if I can) and sew the button back onto the blue one.
  • Set up my work blog on my new domain.
  • Make a clear plan for next year with long-term goals so I know what to work towards and track my efforts properly.
  • Draw up an exercise program and get started on it in the final week of the month so I am set up to continue when school starts again.
I hope that's not too many. I have already done almost three of them, though.

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