Monday 3 May 2010

Goals for May

I like short-term goals. I favour them over, say, new year's resolutions (btw I have already broken #2 and #10, though #10 that can be redeemed) because it is easier to not forget about them. Then today I saw a post on the blog of a History-teacher-turned-pro-techie I met at SHP in 2008, about setting short term goals, and because I spent this evening having a barbecue and drinking Pimms out of a watering can (which we had bought for the purpose to making Pimms in, I must hastily add) I left my list of goals on his comments, because, yknow, I am ALWAYS looking there....(rolls eyes)

Here are my May goals, I have added to the one from Comments list.
  • Adapt the lesson observation thingie I've had in my inbox for a month
  • Meet with the T&L group to arrange paired lesson observations for term 6
  • Finish writing a scheme of work...any scheme of work
  • Start sending tips out to the Y11 Facebook group for revision
  • Wear all my work/season appropriate shoes at least once, and charity-bag any I really can't face wearing on the basis that they are too uncomfortable
  • Go to circuits at least four times...make that three, because there are only three Mondays left in May when circuits will run
  • Remove 10 books from the bookcase and send them to the used book man
  • Tidy under the stairs
  • Wash the living room curtains
  • Finish the endless blue jumper (all the knitting it done, I just need to stitch it together and weave in the ends)
  • Finish one other knitting project
  • Get some pictures printed. My awesome efforts at decluttering this year have resulted in space on the mantelpiece for actual photo frames and today the only picture I could find of Mr Z and me was us dressed as a wild west couple from Virginia City last summer, which is good, but I'd prefer this one -

I think it might be my favourite pic of us ever.
I should maybe get some wedding pictures printed too, before our 4th year anniversary.

Wish me luck!

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