Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Why don't you start 2011 off by looking at this BBC slide show of New Year celebrations around the world?

We saw the New Year in with the traditional games of iSketch and lots of bubbly drinks. At midnight we went outside and let off a Chinese lantern - judging by the dozens we saw floating across the Bristol sky, we weren't the only ones who had this plan! Amongst the bangs from the fireworks, I was pleased to hear a good number of people out banging pots and pans together, which is the traditional celebration I am familiar with.

I'm participating in Project 365 this year. I intend to post my pictures just once a week, but here is January 1st's. I was playing with the firework settings on my camera, and these are a couple of passing Chinese lanterns. I think I need to play a bit more!

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