Saturday 15 January 2011

Weeknote 15/1/11

In an attempt to return to regularly scheduled blogging, this week I have been mostly....

A sleeve for Cherie Amour. Lacework on size 9 needles with chunky wool goes very quick, but it's kind of dull. I have (unjustly) lost faith in the pattern, too, since I'm supposed to just bind off the sleeve straight and sew it into the sleeve cap and I can't envision it. Nobody has any notes about it though, so I assume it must work.

Going to:
Dinner, with Parpy Jo and Crabby Kath. We tried to go to Yo! Sushi with a 40% off voucher but there was nothing to be had from the belt except desserts and when we ordered hot food it took ages to arrive and then was wrong, so we went to Tampopo across the way and I had a delicious beef rendang which reminded me muchly of Malaysia.
To Yo Sushi's credit, our waitress asked us why we were leaving, and when we explained that we were hungry and wanted something to eat, she comped us the few dishes we'd managed to procure. I was impressed with the customer service.

The gym, a lot. At my personal trainer this week I was finally able to skip for a minute without feeling like death was near (don't tell her that though, whatever you do, or I'll end up having to go for longer) and I've started to notice a bit of definition in my shoulders, so it's not hard to motivate myself to go. I even got up and went to Zumba this morning.

Dry slope skiing. It was really difficult to do my now automatic carving motion on the matting, though, and the boots fricking killed. I am going to take my own boots next time, I think.

Slimming World food. I am very focused on my goal. My skin is looking really good thanks to all the extra fruit and veg. I'm also sleeping a lot better, which is a plus.

About transferring documents to Kindle. Twenty six Kindles arrived at school this week for my trial, and I think I've managed to talk the technician to set them up for me. Now I just need to write the content for them. I also need to find out if it's possible to publish freely-downloadable material to Amazon for download. Since they didn't even give a bulk discount, it would seem to be the least they could do, but I won't be holding my breath. They don't seem at all interested in its use in education. It's like they haven't realised that usually, once a school has a piece of equipment, it uses it to death, thus increasing the amount of stuff bought for it; and if pupils are used to using it they are more likely to buy it for themselves.

Obsessed with:
Holiday booking. Mr Z and I are going skiing in Switzerland for the first weekend of February half term, and New York for May half term. The ski weekend is tight, as we have to be at Heathrow for a 7.30pm flight which pretty much means leaving right from work; I have spent a long time this week thinking about how this might best be achieved.
I have also been slightly obsessed with NOT looking at my credit card statement. GCSE marking starts in a fortnight which is what is funding these extravagances, but until then I have built a debt back up which I don't really want to think about!

Entertained by:
So many good things back on TV this week, not least of which: Glee, season 2. However, I was not as enamoured of the first episode as I was of the first series, so I hope they haven't lost their charm. For a start the actress playing Rachel is so very thin now.

Pretty good, tbh. Quite positive about all the good work stuff coming up, and excited about all the travelling I'll be doing this year, and generally in a happy mood. Hurrah! No January blues here. We love January at Bunnyland.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I'm fairly sure you're going to be SOL as far as publishing free content on Amazon itself. However, if you get any webspace with the school, you can certainly write documents to run through a converter (Calibre is good) to the MOBI format (PDFs are ok but not great, MOBI is a much better choice in terms of taking advantage of the features on the kindle like text resizing) and then host the files on the school's website. It's not terribly convenient, but it's an option. Things may have changed, but I think you should be very vocal about opening up an education bit of the store. ;)