I have managed to finish a colour repeat on the mariney shawl and I am half way through the chart, although it it's not really half way because the repeats are much longer towards the bottom of the shawl, of course. But I am getting back into it.
My secret Lushies swap friend sent me two skeins of Colinette One Zero and it has reignited my creative...erm...brazier, so I have been planning projects for it and other stuff. I'd like to knit some little toys.
going to:
Undercover Rock in St Werbergh's, with a year 8 Fed trip. The kids were really positive about it and they seemed to really enjoy themselves. It is an amazing space - climbing walls in an old church, with all the original stained glass windows and things like the font boxed in with clear perspex. They were really laid back, too.

I am feeling quite pleased with myself, because this is the final Fed event of the academic year and I've organised them all.
I also discovered an organic supermarket round the corner from here which is a bit like Fresh and Wild. I miss Fresh and Wild so I was pleased to see they had buckwheat and Rachel's Dairy coconut yogurt.
Courgettes from the garden. It has finally started producing and I had some courgette rosti this week with pork chops. Delish.
Cheesecake ice cream, home made. Here is the recipe -
300g packet cream cheese
1.5 cups milk
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup double cream
Beat everything but the cream together until smooth, then stir in the cream. Chill. Freeze. I used my crappy ice cream maker but the motor gave up before it was frozen so it's currently firming up in the freezer. It is delicious. I adapted the recipe from this knit blog but I used vanilla instead of lemon.
obsessed with:
new ideas and new technologies and trying out new things. I feel like I've woken up from my lethargy and I've been doing quite a lot of reading this week.
entertained by:
My new tutor group, who came in for induction day this week. I was expecting to like them as much as I liked my old TG straight away, but of course I didn't. They are quite funny and cute, though. One, who was crying at the gates first thing but became the natural group leader as the day wore on, told me he came from the best primary school - "It got an outstanding Ofsted". Great. Since when should that matter when you're 10?!
Amusing exam answers. Vicky, a colleague who is marking new spec, got one from a kid who wrote, "Stealing a mobile phone is a bit like stealing a message penguin." I now want to change the sig on my phone to "Sent from my Message Penguin."
fed up about:
Breaking a new year's resolution and getting sunburn, because I left the house on Thursday in the rain and thus without suncream, and so when we were sat outside the climbing centre, I got sun burn. ARGH! Thankfully it was only very minor and went away after one application of aloe and Badger Balm, but still.
The exam board and their continued lack of communication.
My local butcher - the miserable one - no longer being there. I went in today and it was all new, it's changed hands and today was the new owner's first day. I tried to be nice but I was quite choked up: the old butcher sold us the meat for our wedding and everything. Hopefully the new guys will be good; they do quite a lot of cooked meats and stuff which look great, but most of their meat today was pre-packed. But it was their first day. So maybe it will be OK.
The old butcher let me off 67p last week, we always round up or down so it evens out in the end because sometimes I overpay, but that's going to be on my conscience forever. He must have known he was leaving and that's why he rounded down such a big sum. I wish he'd said something.
Pleased to have finally got the go ahead on the skiing, with sixth form, though a little annoyed about how it went down. Not really appropriate to talk about it here, though.
Really, really pleased to have finished my marking! Just the extras to do now....sigh....
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