Tuesday 3 May 2011

Tuesday Ten

Ten Haikus of the Moment

British 'sparagus -
I love thee. Shame your season
Is so very short.

I would like a nap
But instead I must wade through
Year 13 coursework.

Controlled assessment
By year 11 also
Must be marked this week -

Osama bin Laden's death
Makes them out of date.

Wore new shoes today.
Felt about six feet tall - well,
I WAS six feet tall.

In two weeks it is
My Geology exam.
I am quite nervous.

But one week later,
I'm flying to NYC,
Me and Mr Z.


William and Kate,
Your wedding was so lovely.
Thanks for the day off.

Robin on the fence,
Watching the cat. Think its chicks
are learning to fly.

British 'sparagus -
Why do you make wee smell bad?
Small price to pay, though.

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