Sunday 14 December 2014

Weekend FO: The Suzi

Technically, Suzi's hat was the first one I knitted; but it was on the snug side and then I knitted an identical one for Erin and decided I didn't want anybody to have identical hats this time, and then I also noted that Suzi has been wearing an enormous bun to school every day since the start of September and therefore a snug hat is definitely not the way forward.

So, I decided to knit her an abbreviated hat that allowed room for said bun; then someone at knitting group (I think it was Claire) suggested that I fit it with a draw string so that she can adjust it to be a hat or a headband. And this is what I have just finished. I did take pictures outside but because it is a grey December day, even outside light was not enough so they are with flash.

The pattern is a free one called Snappy Hat by Corinna Ferguson - a bottom up, cabled hat in chunky was what I was after. I knitted as per the pattern until I was about ready to cable for the 4th time, whereupon I knitted a round of K1, Yo, K2tog, then knitted a plain round, then bound off. The thing makes a better bun hat than normal hat, being too shallow on the head; this is no surprise because I did the eyelet row much earlier than I would have started the decreases: I am feeling the time pressure. However, it is a good bun hat, and I think that will be what it is used for, in the main.

Oh, I think it is super cute! Very pleased with it, in the end. Her bun is bigger than mine (I am often to be caught jealously staring at it and wondering where she finds a bun stuffer so big) but the hole should still be big enough.

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