Tuesday 27 December 2016

Tuesday Ten: 2017 Project Challenge

Inspired by the reading challenge I did last year, I thought I would come up with a similar list to inspire my knitting. My official knitting resolution is "more out than in", in an attempt to try to dial down my stash to an amount that does not make me hang my head in shame. That is going to take me a lot of projects and some serious will power at Wonderwool, but I am up for it.

I kept the list to ten:

1. A pattern from your queue
2. A pattern you previously tried and didn't complete (could be a WIP)
3. A pattern you were inspired to knit by someone else's beautiful FO
4. Something from stash
5. A pattern involving a technique that is new to you
6. An accessory that you haven't knitted before
7. A pattern recommended to you by somebody else
8. A pattern from a book/magazine you own but have never used
9. Something for somebody else
10. A project using more than one type of yarn

I have a few things in mind. I desperately want to knit something from Alice Starmore's Tudor Knits, that I bought ages ago and love looking at. I'd quite like to try entrelac as a new technique. I've been meaning to knit a Wicked hoodie with a beaded silk collar and a laceweight body for a very long time.

So, yes, plenty of scope here. Please join in.

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