Wednesday 22 July 2009

Amusing comment from non-knitting friend

I was talking to one of my work friends about knitting today, and she said, "I LOVE your blue vest know...the blue one, that's like a vest...."

I just nodded and thanked her, unsure of which garment she meant. She's not to know that I have at least three blue vest tops in my FO list. I think maybe it's time to branch out a little in my colour choices.

"I carried a watermelon" got mega compliments all day today, from everybody who saw it - especially the kids. I may start teaching knitting at school next year as an after school club - I think I'd get some takers. One boy told me about how his mum knits constantly, and will make jumpers on her knitting machine and then hand knit the sleeves. I said, "Oh, does she make you wear all sorts of dodgy things?" to which he replied, "No way, they're amazing! She did me one that says Skate Or Die on it, and they're well warm in the winter - really snug." The times are definitely a'changing.

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