Wednesday 20 December 2017

Christmas wreath DIY

I used to cobble together my own Christmas wreath, but a couple of years ago I bought a lovely star-shaped one from Bath Christmas markets, covered in dried citrus and the like. To my horror, when we fished it out of the loft this December it was growing things....and not more citrus.

I probably should have trashed the whole thing but I was unwilling to get rid of the star base and had a bunch of leftover decorations that never make it onto the tree, so I had a go at upcycling it. I don't know whether you could really call the finished product better than the original, but it is certainly better than the carnival of mould that came out of the loft last week.

First, I yanked off as much of the old mouldy decoration as possible. It was fun but whoever glued them down did a really good job. I left the pine cones, because they don't tend to go mouldy.

It got messy but it was fun. Also, I was not totally sure what those mini pumpkinesque things were, but after this I rubbed my eye and I can confirm they are some kind of chilli.

After that, I arranged my decorations across the destroyed body of the wreath and stuck them down with UHU. In some cases there wasn't a lot to stick, but luckily all these decorations are very light and didn't require hefty sticking.

Once they had dried on, I added this bauble with a bow at the top, et voila.

I think it could do with a couple more baubles tbh, since you can still see places where I ripped away the old fruits, but I started to think if I left it any longer, Christmas would be over.

I do wish I had the patience/motivation to knit myself a nice wreath for next year. I remember starting to knit holly leaves for one once. I think I managed one, of an estimated 80 required. Sigh.

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