Pattern: Peace Street Hat by Grace Akhrem from Interweave Holiday Gifts
Yarn: The ever-luscious Araucania Azapa
Needles: 4mm and 4.5mm
Mods: None. Except, I didn't sew on a row of buttons. I treated Elise to three buttons from my Swarovski crystal set, which hopefully made up for the fact that I bought Sib a Kindle whilst she, his girlfriend of two years, got a hand knitted accessory. She is dark-haired and pale with very lovely dark eyes and I thought the contrast of the buttons on the yarn would suit her, which I think it did.
I loved this hat a lot. If I hadn't finished it 30 minutes before she arrived, I might have kept it for myself and knitted her something else. But there. I think I have another skein of this, I can always make myself one.
(By the time I published this post, I had already finished the one for me!)
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