Saturday 31 December 2011

Crafty Photo Scavenger Hunt: December

Emma is still guest hosting the Crafty Photo Scavenger Hunt. Have a squizz at her blog to see the other entries this month.

1. Inspiration

This is my stash cupboard. It represents just under half of my stash, I type, shamefacedly. However, it has been my inspiration this month: I've quite enjoyed going upstairs, opening it up and rummaging around for something new to knit. A lot of the yarn is bagged up with a project in mind, so it keeps me from having to think too hard about what to knit. Perfect for this time of year.

2. Something I Made

Looking a bit sorry for itself after two days of wear, and covered in fuzz from the Christmassy hats I was knitting, this was my last minute attempt at a Christmas jumper for the end of term. I loosely stitched a Yule tree onto the front of a plain jumper from New Look and decorated it with a star brooch. I thought the result was pretty tasteful for a Christmas jumper.

3. Motif: Geometric
Nobody does Geometric like the Malaysians.

Even the drain covers are beautiful.

4. Colour

I think I've put pictures of this bush up before but I am so grateful for it in December. I'm a terrible gardener but this camellia has survived all my neglect and every winter blooms with these bright pink flowers just as it gets coldest. It is best viewed from the kitchen window and makes the washing up that little bit more palatable.

5. Festive

Not the obvious, but when the mitten curled up on the stair above my latest pair of beautiful shoes, it was a lovely sparkly picture of two of my favourite things, and made me feel quite full of the joys of the season.


Anonymous said...

That's one hell of a stash! Thanks for taking part again, and I'm really impressed by the extremely sparkly shoes :)

Unknown said...

Oohh shooz! Bellissima!