Something I Made
Well, it has been autumn, after all - so here is some of my gigantic stockpile of apple chutney.

Great big acres of blue!
I wanted something this month that reminded me of the summer holidays, which is why I started knitting the blue jumper. This is the lake it makes me think of.
Colour: Orange

I really love this colour of Cascade 220: so vibrant, so much going on - it's a real multi-layered orange. I bought and wound this to knit some pumpkins, last year. It hasn't happened yet; I am afraid the vibrancy will be lost when I felt. It might make it even better though, I suppose, as often seems to happen with Cascade when it is felted.
Motif: Cherries
I saw this shower cap in a shop window on my drive home from work some time last term. It was in an awkward place to get to, and I almost never drove past it when I had any time to linger or when it was open. Then it closed down! Boo. But luckily it reopened nearby. Hurrah! Then I went in and thought it had been sold, boo. But then I saw it was on a polystyrene head by the counter, HURRAH!

It is gloriously kitsch. I have held out against buying a shower cap for a very long time because I wanted one that was perfect. I think this is it.
Now that I have examined the label, I see that I could have bought it online, and any variety of other beautiful creations, from Dilly Daydream.
Costa's spiced hot apple drink:

I must admit to being a bit disappointed that the "hot" was provided by a top up from the boiling water tap, and that it smelled very strongly of apple squash, but it was tasty and warming nonetheless. It made me feel very cosy when I poured it into my own mug and curled up in my chair with it. It's no Pumpkin Spiced Latte, but as long as Starbucks continue to be seemingly unaware that there is life and coffee drinkers outside of city centres, it is the best available option.
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