I do love the colours together. Helpfully, Mother Hand has mislaid the purple beret I knit her for Christmas 2011 (she's lucky she's my mother or these crimes against knitting would have rendered her unknitworthy by now) so I might buy another skein of each and whip her up some kind of matching hat. Yknow, in my copious free time.
The other thing I have been knitting this weekend is this -

It's to hang down the stairs and around the hallway, if it gets long enough, adorned with candy canes and chocolate Santas. It's the leftover sock yarn from my first ever pair of socks and it's too pretty to just be left languishing in a bag somewhere (really, really wish Regia would re-release it). So, it is becoming an extremely long icord....slowly. Veeeery slowly.
I really wanted to get the Christmas decorations up this weekend but time just got away from me. Hopefully this weekend will be the one.
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